Pro. Vijay Krishna Ojha
The entire personality of a human being improves only with the education and in appropriate context. As a result, he is capable of building an ideal family, society and a better nation. Proper education develops the capacity for livelihood and self-reliance. Creates an ideal character, enhances the world and the hereafter. Sant Kabir Vidyapeeth College has been established with the same spirit. We wish that the students studying here should showcase their talent in various fields of life and bring honor to their parents and the educational institution. Various qualification providing courses have been running in the college for many years. This year a special course for D. Pharma degree is also being conducted; Which will be very useful for livelihood and self-employment.
May this institution, which is developing in the abode of Saint Kabir, make its special identity on the world stage like Mahatma Kabir and be successful in its objective; I pray this to God.